Wednesday, November 11, 2009

COLLABORATION in the Yard Display Industry

COLLABORATION : (To work jointly with others) In most businesses, collaborating is very good. You can share ideas, benefit from each other's knowledge, increase the market knowledge of your product and gain more visibility. Many companies worry too much about having other companies in their area. I always liken it to the city corners that have 3-4 gas stations. Who in town has the most business? The businesses close together, so people have options.

In our particular business of Lawn Greetings; if consumers see a lot of signs or yard displays out there--it starts to imprint the idea in their minds for future celebrations. If people rarely see signs or displays then the concept does not become popular. With several companies in your area that makes each company "work smarter, not harder". We are each advertising for each other with consumer product knowledge just by having people see the idea in a yard. Also our ultimate goal is to service customers wanting this type of celebration recognition in their yard and if we cannot help them out, we can refer them to another company. I would welcome several more companies in my area so that I didn't have to work so hard to get the Yard Card idea known. There is plenty of business for everyone, especially when we all work together to help each other. (I don't mean giving away trade secrets or copyrighted materials--just visibility of the social expressions of signs and displays).
     "Life is hard by the yard, but inch by inch, life's a cinch"


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