Tuesday, June 2, 2015



When you start a website you must first make sure that you have a passion, product or service that will be interesting to people.  It should be something that you are familiar with yourself and that REALLY interests you.  Research the other websites in your area of interest. Try blogging until you decide what you are truly passionate about. You might set up a http://www.blogger.com/ account, which is free. Start blogging about some of your passions; whether it be art, music, health, people or a business you already have or one you wish to start.  It is best to write up your blog as a word document --leave it for a day or two--go back and review it and see if it is what you would like to say on your Blog. 

If you want to create a Domain name for your Blog or Website make a list of domain names that you might like to try. They should be relevant to the subject of your Website.  You can easily search for domain names by typing in "domain name search" in the search area. You have several options of registering your website name – either as a (dot).com, a (dot). net or a (dot). org. The dot.com is the most common, dot.net is more for business and dot .org is for organizations, profit or non-profits. If you are able to secure the website name you wish in a dot.com, that is best for the average website.

I currently have this blog  a website which is www.homeandhealthtips.com .  It is very diversified and deals with many interesting subjects, surrounding health & medical issues, crafts and recipes. Now I am into Making Glass Art ,so I must decide whether I should start another Blog or create a blog page or a website for my new interests.  It is nice to have a website which may appeal to different interests, but it can also be beneficial to have a website which concentrates on one subject or area of interest.  You must decide how you would like to proceed.

One of the best Sites for learning about creating a website or blog is Lisa Irby's website http://www.2createawebsite.com

There are many possibilities. You may have a hosting company that sets everything up for you, or you may wish to try something like www.snapmonkey.com where you can make changes or updates whenever you wish for the same monthly charge.

Marty Miller:  Entrepreneur, Business owner, Artist and Writer

Monday, March 16, 2015


SPRING 2015!

What a time of year to rejuvenate yourself and your business.  Put a Smile on your face and have  a sunny attitude and Let's get started!  "The most beautiful attire is a smile"

Spring is a great time to start a business and to rework and market your business!  There seems to be a surge in energy and excitement in the Springtime.  This has been a particularly harsh winter in so many areas of the country--we WELCOME SPRING and let's GET TO BUSINESS!

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome".  ~Anne Bradstreet

A. INTERNET Marketing:  First and Foremost make your presence known on the Internet. Freshen up your website with some new materials, photos & ideas. Have your website on Directories that reflect the industry that you are in --sometimes if these are high in the search engines it will help your position and people can find you. Directories are available for many businesses and sometimes will have business Start-Ups if you are searching in your area of interest.  If you like to write--do a write up on your business by Blogging.

B. START NETWORKING:  Since Networking is so important to ANY business, here are a few tips when going to a business meeting, luncheon or just an informal gathering. There are numerous Small Business Organizations in most cities.
1. Arrive early--that gives you a chance to move around and talk with several people.
2. ALWAYS ask about the other person and repeat their name back to them such as "Susan, what you do sounds so interesting" It helps you remember the person's name by repeating it & gives a compliment.
3. If there are name tags--wear it on the right, so it seen when shaking hands.
4. Concentrate on one person at a time and wrap up conversation graciously, so you may move on to another.
5. Work on a "tag line" or "memory hook" which tells about your business in the fewest words, but has an impressive impact.
6. Drop a note or postcard to those you have met or make a quick phone call saying how nice it was to meet them.
7. Be consistent about attendance at the organizations you have chosen. Usually people must become well acquainted with you before they are interested in your product or service.8
. Send Thank You postcards or notes to customers and also to anyone who has given you a referral. Referrals can be thanked by email although receiving actual mail is nice these days.  Although it seems the courtesy of sending an actual posted card is very area anymore with so much technology--your Customer will remember that you took the time to write a personal note!


Start sending out reminders to Schools and customers, reminding them of Graduation Signs and Mother's Day!  Some Florists may let you post a sign in their Store.

Prepared by Marty Miller, past President of 2 large business organizations in the Denver Metro area, who has delivered presentations on this subject.  Now resides in AZ and serves on a Social Board.

"Some people dream about success, and others wake up and do something about it"

HAPPY SPRING!   Marty Miller, Business Owner, Writer, Blogger, Artist

Saturday, August 9, 2014


This Blog has been quite popular for all in business.  I am revising it somewhat to better fit business goals of today.  For those who are just starting a business a good place to start is the Small Business Association.


An Advisory Board is a group of people (can be as small as 4) with diversified interests and opinions and different types of businesses. The group can meet once a month or maybe every other month for about 2 hrs. ea. meeting. Each person has a chance to speak and should prepare something like the previous month's *Accomplishments, Challenges and Goals. (See below)  A Moderator for each meeting can be chosen to manage the division of time.  When you start your Advisory Board set down some rules to begin, so that the purpose is clear to the members.  Limit the number in your group so that each member will have enough time to address the issues to be discussed.  I would say as small as 4 to no larger than 10 members.  Make it a commitment for each member to attend.


Talking with others in business who can:
* be supportive
* give unbiased ideas and help
* share your successes and celebrate your accomplishments
* understand your strengths and weaknesses
* bring fresh, new ideas to the table
* give you socialization with others in business
* help expand your business and meet personal goals
* keep you updated on other businesses or New business ideas
* give YOU the opportunity to help others with your good ideas and support

The Group becomes your Business Family. You come back to your business energized and with a new perspective and creative ideas. I had been in a group for over 18 years and found it to be one of the least expensive, most helpful things I had done for ME and for my Business and Personal development. Our group has met in business rooms, our homes, library private rooms and now with 4 of us we meet in a conveniently located restaurant that is not very busy and we each purchase a meal and take turns talking about our business and personal life, following the Accomplishments, Challenges and Goals format.  (See below)

Form a Group of dedicated people who will be honest with you about their business and yours. STAY on TRACK at the meetings and again make it a commitment. Please comment if you need more help with this idea!

"You don't get any rewards out of this life unless you make an investment"

ACCOMPLISHMENTS -- Write down your accomplishments for the previous month. ie-rentals, sales, new brochure, a good business contact, whatever you feel made your month better. Brag some!  It can be something that has improved or added to your business or something that has added to your personal life.
CHALLENGES: --write down things that became a challenge for you during your previous month. ie. weather, a difficult customer, something you need help figuring out like a new idea or concept. Maybe it is problems with children, another business or YOU just not keeping on task. Admit your shortcomings and work on them and share your challenges---others can give you some help and support. You would be amazed at how others will brainstorm for you. That is how my previous Business of 21 years (which was recently sold), was developed. I developed ideas with my Advisory Board partners. 
GOALS: These should be specific, attainable goals for the upcoming week, month or quarter. It is best if your group can meet once a month.  Again if you are doing this "on your own", designate a particular time to do this weekly and/or monthly to help you assess your business strategies.

"Although no one can go back in time and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.  Strive for Progress, not Perfection!"

Your comments are appreciated!


Marty Miller    www.homeandhealthtips.com/    Entrepreneur, Retired Business Owner, Business Coach, Writer & Artist

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


 "To love and be loved is to feel the sun on both sides"

VALENTINES DAY kind of breaks up the slower winter months.  It is a special time that is fun, colorful and full of suprises.  Some choose Valentines Day for a Wedding--Vegas seems to be a popular, fun and fairly easy wedding destination.  Romance is in the air!

Unique and Memorable Gifts or Suprises are always appreciated.  This year do something that will make the entire neighborhood aware of the Surprise!  Rent a Yard Card or Lawn Display and display your feelings with Yard Display.  Imagine the Smiles!
KID's Valentine FUN!


Marty Miller; Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Writer and Blogger

www.homeandhealthtips.com/     www.theyardcarddirectory.com/


Tuesday, October 15, 2013


"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book

With Fall upon us and cooler weather starting in many states, it is sometimes difficult to keep up the good attitude.  Depending on what your business is, you may need some adjustments. If you are in business with selling items or in retail, the upcoming Fall and Winter Holidays may be YOUR time of YEAR for revenue. You must take on a cheerful, high energy persona. 

For those "outdoor" type businesses that rely on good weather, such as the Lawn Display business, it can be much more difficult.  If you are delivering a Yard Card during a blizzard or rain storm, late at night or early morning, it can be a daunting experience.  However if you remember the joy that you will be bringing to the recipient the following morning, you will realize that the effort is worth the challenges. If you are in the Lawn Display business.

Attitude is most important. It is more important than circumstances. Each day we have a choice regarding our attitude for the day or the day's work. We cannot change the inevitable, but we can change our attitude towards it.  It is a small percentage as to what happens to us in relation to how we view, handle, or react to what is happening. Put a smile on your face, meet the day with gratitude and caring and you will be happier doing your job.

This is one of the Best Websites for learning about business, blogging, website creation, advertising and promoting.  Lisa also does great videos for small and large companies. 
"Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up." chinese proverb
Have a pleasant, profitable Fall business!  

"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book
Marty Miller:  www.homeandhealthtips.com   www.theyardcarddirectory.com/
Artist, Entrepreneur, Business Consultant and writer.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


It is imperative as a Business Owner that you belong to various Networking Groups.  You cannot just pop into a meeting now and then, but you must JOIN the group and get involved while learning about other Businesses while marketing Your product or service.  If there are no Business Groups in your area, Start One with a few other business owners that are in various types of businesses.  It is amazing what you can learn from other people in business.

Since Networking is so important to ANY business, here are a few tips when going to a business meeting, luncheon or just an informal gathering.

Prepared by Marty Miller, past President of 2 large business organizations in the Denver Metro area, who has delivered presentations on this subject.

1. Arrive early--that gives you a chance to move around and talk with several people.
2. ALWAYS ask about the other person and repeat their name back to them such as "Susan, what you do sounds so interesting" It helps you remember the person's name by repeating it & gives a compliment.
3. If there are name tags--wear it on the right, so it seen when shaking hands.
4. Concentrate on one person at a time and wrap up conversation graciously, so you may move on to another.
5. Work on a "tag line" or "memory hook" which tells about your business in the fewest words, but has an impressive impact.
6. Drop a note or postcard to those you have met or make a quick phone call saying how nice it was to meet them.
7. Be consistent about attendance at the organizations you have chosen. Usually people must become well acquainted with you before they are interested in your product or service.
8. Always send Thank You postcards to customers and also to anyone who has given you a referral. Referrals can be thanked by email although receiving actual mail is nice.

In the Yard Card/Lawn Display Business you have less interaction with customers, since most contact is done by phone. However a follow-up phone call, Thank You postcard or spending a few minutes with the customer on the phone is good customer service. This could make the difference in this customer using you for future special occasions.

"Wringing your hands only stops you from rolling up your sleeves". James Rollins

Marty Miller;  www.theyardcarddirectory.com/     www.homeandhealthtips.com

Monday, April 15, 2013



"The more places you are seen, the better you are recognized." (author unknown)

When you start a website you must first make sure that you have a passion, product or service that will be interesting to people. Research the other websites in your area of interest. If you are unsure of what you might want to start as a website, try Blogging until you decide what you are truly passionate about.

* Choose a Domain name that is relevant to your business.  There are many places to register Domain Names ex.: GoDaddy.  If you want to check to see if your "chosen name" is available go to www.whois.com   Choose a DOT.com if possible, although there are many new choices the .coms are the most common.
* Make your Home Page as attractive as possible. It is your BOOK COVER!  It must fit the business that you are in.  If you are in Lawn Displays your page should be colorful, happy looking and have good attractive content.
     * YOUR STATE NAME should be on your Home Page. Many folks search by State for local services of friends or family may be searching for a compnay in another State. 
     * Have pertinent information about your business on your HOME PAGE. 
     * Potential customers will generally not spend the time to search for information not postedon your home page. 
      * As a general rule you have about 5 seconds to grab attention.
Once you have your Home Page set the way that you would like it, you may add additional pages with a Menu Bar placed on your home page for the customer to click.
     * Yard Card Businesses Join Directories, they generally come up high in searches. Usually one or Two rentals will pay for your Join Fee.
In preparation for starting your website or Blog an excellent website to view is 2CreateaWebsite.  Lisa is very knowledgeable in many areas of websites, blogging, U-tube and so much more.  She is extremely easy to follow and gives great advice.

REMEMBER that most people search for what they are looking for on the Internet.  It takes awhile to get noticed with so many websites out there.
  "There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate".  ~Robert Brault

Marty Miller;  Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Writer Artist
www.yardcarddirectory.com   www.homeandhealthtips.com