Monday, March 16, 2015


SPRING 2015!

What a time of year to rejuvenate yourself and your business.  Put a Smile on your face and have  a sunny attitude and Let's get started!  "The most beautiful attire is a smile"

Spring is a great time to start a business and to rework and market your business!  There seems to be a surge in energy and excitement in the Springtime.  This has been a particularly harsh winter in so many areas of the country--we WELCOME SPRING and let's GET TO BUSINESS!

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome".  ~Anne Bradstreet

A. INTERNET Marketing:  First and Foremost make your presence known on the Internet. Freshen up your website with some new materials, photos & ideas. Have your website on Directories that reflect the industry that you are in --sometimes if these are high in the search engines it will help your position and people can find you. Directories are available for many businesses and sometimes will have business Start-Ups if you are searching in your area of interest.  If you like to write--do a write up on your business by Blogging.

B. START NETWORKING:  Since Networking is so important to ANY business, here are a few tips when going to a business meeting, luncheon or just an informal gathering. There are numerous Small Business Organizations in most cities.
1. Arrive early--that gives you a chance to move around and talk with several people.
2. ALWAYS ask about the other person and repeat their name back to them such as "Susan, what you do sounds so interesting" It helps you remember the person's name by repeating it & gives a compliment.
3. If there are name tags--wear it on the right, so it seen when shaking hands.
4. Concentrate on one person at a time and wrap up conversation graciously, so you may move on to another.
5. Work on a "tag line" or "memory hook" which tells about your business in the fewest words, but has an impressive impact.
6. Drop a note or postcard to those you have met or make a quick phone call saying how nice it was to meet them.
7. Be consistent about attendance at the organizations you have chosen. Usually people must become well acquainted with you before they are interested in your product or service.8
. Send Thank You postcards or notes to customers and also to anyone who has given you a referral. Referrals can be thanked by email although receiving actual mail is nice these days.  Although it seems the courtesy of sending an actual posted card is very area anymore with so much technology--your Customer will remember that you took the time to write a personal note!


Start sending out reminders to Schools and customers, reminding them of Graduation Signs and Mother's Day!  Some Florists may let you post a sign in their Store.

Prepared by Marty Miller, past President of 2 large business organizations in the Denver Metro area, who has delivered presentations on this subject.  Now resides in AZ and serves on a Social Board.

"Some people dream about success, and others wake up and do something about it"

HAPPY SPRING!   Marty Miller, Business Owner, Writer, Blogger, Artist