Saturday, November 21, 2009

BENEFITS & FEATURES of your Business

BENEFITS and FEATURES of your Lawn Display Business

Make sure your website & marketing materials contain Benefits more than Features. What is the difference between benefits and features? Features are a description of your product-- (ie) 5-6 ft. colorful Yard Signs, Personalized message sign, 30-40 pink flamingos, many critters or props from which to choose.

Benefits would be-- what is the benefit to your customer in using your business? (ie) "Make a friend happy with a unique early morning surprise", "Let the whole neighborhood know of your Graduate's Big Day!”,“Surprise a new Mom with a Stork in the Yard” Announce the New Baby” “Celebrate that BIG birthday with a Yard Card”

People are more interested in the benefit to them & the recipient than a long description of your product.  In the Celebration Lawn Greetings business, it is all about recognizing people!

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out"
Art Linkletter

Marty Miller

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! Getting benefits of a certain business is far more important than knowing its features. For me, I'm happier if a client is happy and satisfied with our service, and not only with the features of our business. It's like an investment. And for us to grow our business, we must always improve our services and the way we communicate with our customers.
