Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marketing and Advertisng you Fall Business


Advertising and Marketing are two different ways of promoting your business.

Advertising is things like print media: Newspapers, magazines, television, radio, telephone book or promotionals. Donating a Sign or Display for a large event can be both advertising & marketing particularly if you are present at the event "marketing" your product or services.

Marketing is usually where YOU are physically present like: LEADS Groups, Chamber of Commerce groups, Local Business Clubs, School or Church clubs, Business forums & Advisory Boards. (another subject we will address later). The advantage to MARKETING is that you are socializing and selling yourself along with your product/service. People who Market their product or service will do much better in business. People like to do business with someone they know. You will also get support from others who run small businesses if you are in a business group environment.

The INTERNET is now the BEST way of both advertising and marketing, even though you are not physically present. People want the convenience of getting things instantly, so more consumers use the internet, rather than phone books. The best advise is to try different ways of getting your business noticed.
http://www.lawnexpressions.com/     www.yardcarddirectory.com/

"You are never fully dressed until you wear a smile!"

Have a successful FALL and read some of the previous blogs!
   Marty Miller

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