Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The following can help keep you "on task" for 2010 & increase and enhance your business & personal life.
If you are starting an Advisory Board for your business (refer to past post 12/31), each person can prepare this information prior to your Advisory Board Meetings.  If you do not have an Advisory Board, this process is helpful to do weekly and/or monthly to see your business progress.

 ACCOMPLISHMENTS -- Write down your accomplishments for the previous month. ie-rentals, sales, new brochure, a good business contact, whatever you feel made your month better. Brag some!  It can be something that has improved or added to your business or something that has added to your personal life.
CHALLENGES: --write down things that became a challenge for you during your previous month. ie. weather, a difficult customer, something you need help figuring out like a new idea or concept. Maybe ity is problems with children, another business or YOU just not keeping on task. Admit your shortcomings and work on them and share your challenges---others can give you some help & support. You would be amazed at how others will brainstorm for you. That is how was initiated--through advice from my Adivsory Board partners.
GOALS: These should be specific, attainable goals for the upcoming week, month or quarter. It is best if your group can meet once a month.  Again if you are doing this "on your own", designate a particular time to do this weekly and/or monthly to help you assess your business strategies.

Sometimes it is good to also work on personal goals; ie. spend 20 minutes each day with each child individually, spend 30 minutes reading, plan a date with your spouse or friend, etc.

If you are in the Yard Card Business, pay attention to others in your industry.  What are they doing that make them successful?  What can I do to improve my bottom line?  Am I a good business owner?
Do I respond to customers and other business owners' phone calls and emails promptly? 

"Everyone is important and deserves your attention and respect" (author unknown)

The following website has some very good advice for business and on living life.
Comments on these postings are appreciated!

Marty Miller, Business Owner, Artist, Writer


  1. Love the yard cards!~

  2. After being in the yard card business for over 18 years you would think that we have it all figured out. No.
    It's a constant challenge, especially with the state of the economy. Staying focused gets difficult sometimes when times are slow and the weather is so bad.
    My strength and motivation comes everyday after morning prayer. Dedicating a few moments to being thankful for the blessings that we do have does wonders.
    Dawn Coolahan
