When you start a website you must first make sure that you have a passion, product or service that will be interesting to people. It should be something that you are familiar with yourself and that REALLY interests you. Research the other websites in your area of interest. Try blogging until you decide what you are truly passionate about. You might set up a account, which is free. Start blogging about some of your passions; whether it be art, music, health, people or a business you already have or one you wish to start. It is best to write up your blog as a word document --leave it for a day or two--go back and review it and see if it is what you would like to say on your Blog.
If you want to create a Domain name for your Blog or Website make a list of domain names that you might like to try. They should be relevant to the subject of your Website. You can easily search for domain names by typing in "domain name search" in the search area. You have several options of registering your website name – either as a (dot).com, a (dot). net or a (dot). org. The is the most common, is more for business and dot .org is for organizations, profit or non-profits. If you are able to secure the website name you wish in a, that is best for the average website.
I currently have this blog a website which is . It is very diversified and deals with many interesting subjects, surrounding health & medical issues, crafts and recipes. Now I am into Making Glass Art ,so I must decide whether I should start another Blog or create a blog page or a website for my new interests. It is nice to have a website which may appeal to different interests, but it can also be beneficial to have a website which concentrates on one subject or area of interest. You must decide how you would like to proceed.
One of the best Sites for learning about creating a website or blog is Lisa Irby's website
There are many possibilities. You may have a hosting company that sets everything up for you, or you may wish to try something like where you can make changes or updates whenever you wish for the same monthly charge.
Marty Miller: Entrepreneur, Business owner, Artist and Writer
This is my blog and has been up since 2009, but I am unable to access it.