Sunday, June 23, 2013


It is imperative as a Business Owner that you belong to various Networking Groups.  You cannot just pop into a meeting now and then, but you must JOIN the group and get involved while learning about other Businesses while marketing Your product or service.  If there are no Business Groups in your area, Start One with a few other business owners that are in various types of businesses.  It is amazing what you can learn from other people in business.

Since Networking is so important to ANY business, here are a few tips when going to a business meeting, luncheon or just an informal gathering.

Prepared by Marty Miller, past President of 2 large business organizations in the Denver Metro area, who has delivered presentations on this subject.

1. Arrive early--that gives you a chance to move around and talk with several people.
2. ALWAYS ask about the other person and repeat their name back to them such as "Susan, what you do sounds so interesting" It helps you remember the person's name by repeating it & gives a compliment.
3. If there are name tags--wear it on the right, so it seen when shaking hands.
4. Concentrate on one person at a time and wrap up conversation graciously, so you may move on to another.
5. Work on a "tag line" or "memory hook" which tells about your business in the fewest words, but has an impressive impact.
6. Drop a note or postcard to those you have met or make a quick phone call saying how nice it was to meet them.
7. Be consistent about attendance at the organizations you have chosen. Usually people must become well acquainted with you before they are interested in your product or service.
8. Always send Thank You postcards to customers and also to anyone who has given you a referral. Referrals can be thanked by email although receiving actual mail is nice.

In the Yard Card/Lawn Display Business you have less interaction with customers, since most contact is done by phone. However a follow-up phone call, Thank You postcard or spending a few minutes with the customer on the phone is good customer service. This could make the difference in this customer using you for future special occasions.

"Wringing your hands only stops you from rolling up your sleeves". James Rollins

Marty Miller;