When it comes time to sell your business, it is hard in so many ways. Some of the things that need to be done to sell your business are:
- Come up with a marketable, fair price
- Decide if you want to sell your name and your website
- Decide how and where to advertise
- Come up with a training or consulting plan
- Find a buyer you feel can represent your Company
- Find something you enjoy doing to fill the temporary void following the sale
It can be done. I just sold my “Lawn Expressions” business of 21 years. This business was something I loved and a social expression that made people happy-- putting up celebration signs as a Lawn Display for special occasions. Each time I created and painted a new yard card, it was such a joy to rent these to my customers. It was time for me to sell and retire from this business, even though selling the business that I started and enjoyed for so many years is difficult. Luckily I found the perfect family to continue making Lawn Expressions a very unique and special business.
The new Owners AMY & DEREK were recent customers of mine and loved the idea of this type of business. Both of them and their young family will continue to make others happy with this business in the Denver area.
The new Lawn Expressions contact information is Phone # is 720-556-1250
I will continue writing this Business Blog and hope that others in this business or ANY business will benefit from the different Blog about Business!
"There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate." ~Robert Brault
Marty Miller; Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, Artist & Blogger
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