A good way to start the new year is to define your Roles and set your Goals.
Take a sheet of paper and make a small column for ROLES and a larger area for GOALS.
In the ROLES column put things relating to you such as Mother, Husband, Business Person, Volunteer
In the GOALS area put Short Term (maybe a week or month) and Long term ( maybe 6 months or a year)
ROLE: Mother
GOAL: Spend 1/2 hr. with each child individually each day.
ROLE: Spouse
GOAL: Plan at least one "couple" activity per week
ROLE: Business Owner
GOAL: 20% more sales or rentals for the month, send Thank You Notes, check Inventory
Start an Advisory Board, keep better records. Join Business Clubs, Leads Clubs, Start your own group of business owners, whether you are a large or small business.
GOAL: Spend 1/2 hr. each day reading, praying, excercising, Relaxing--something just for YOU!
These are all things for TIME MANAGEMENT and for LIFE BALANCE. Each person's sheet will be different. This is helpful in creating in putting your priorities in order. Things can change, so you may need to review monthly.
The following site has some great articles and insight into daily living.
Hope this help in the start of your new year! Please comment!
AND--there will always be things that prevent you from accomplishing your goals. I broke my Femur in late Aug and my husband and I moved to AZ in December, which has put me way behind in business, but life goes on and Roles and Goals do change!
"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.
The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."
Marty Miller; Business Owner, Artist, Writer (which is in need of updating)