Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Calm During the Holidays

"May your troubles be less, May your blessings be more, and  May nothing but happiness come through your door"  (author unknown)

Well, It is that time of year--where we pull our hair out with so much to do-- working, shopping, cooking, decorating, wrapping, entertaining and always feeling tired--ah, we forgot "resting".

It is difficult this time of year to feel calm and collected, particularly with all that has happened in 2012 with incomprehensible tragedies, shootings, natural disasters and worry for our future generations. Life must go on, so here are a few ideas that hopefully will be helpful.

* Make home-made gifts—they are usually treasured more than store-bought items.

*Plan a special Christmas Craft that you can do with your children or neighbor children.* If you must shop, do it early in the morning or late at night if you have stores that stay open late or all night. (Less people, less lines at check-out)
* Find a charity and make it a family event to take presents, clothes or whatever the charity needs. Take it TO the charity. It is a great teaching tool for children and putstheir life and "needs" instead of "wants" into perspective.* Make Christmas cookies while listening to Christmas music.

* Make lovely calendars using this past years photos--makes great memories!
* Take some Christmas cookies to the neighbors.
* Find some Hallmark Christmas CD's, such as “The Dog Named Christmas” or watch Christmas TV Specials, as a family.
* And most importantly remember the reason for Christmas or Hanukkah. It is to be a peaceful time, not hectic.
* Discuss the importance of caring for and sharing with others during this season.
* Take some time for quiet without TV or cell phones to be together as a family.
* Make Home-made decorations.

* DON'T forget those with December Birthdays!

AND for those of us in business--we must be courteous to our customers, despite our state of mind.
Have a Healthy, Happy, Calm Holiday Season!

Marty Miller, Entreprenuer, Business Advisor, Writer

Sunday, August 12, 2012



      "Although no one can go back in time and make a brand-new start,
        anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending,
Strive for Progress, not Perfection."  Unknown 


1.  Returning Emails, Phone CallsNot getting a prompt response to a phone call or email is probably the # 1 complaint among customers; when it comes to Customer Service. I have experienced this "lack of response", even with Companies within the Yard Card industry. I send emails requesting an answer and do not hear back. Sometimes there may be a valid reason, but without that information you waste your time trying to contact the person or company. I consider it my biggest "Pet Peeve" in business.

 Communication is one of the most important parts of any business and the old saying applies here. "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you". PLEASE RESPOND to customers and other companies in a timely manner.

  2.  New technology is not always better!
Text messages or Emails can be easily misunderstood and impersonal for some topics or issues.  Since so much is done via email or mobile devices, we sometimes do not realize the value and importance of a personal phone call or personal handwritten note!

3.  DO NOT ask for Special Deals from Friends or other Businesses!
When you start a business, you may need to do some specials or extras to help your business become recognized,  but once you start doing that you may begin a trend and become a loan closet or discount store, rather than a business.  You are in Business to make money and be respected as a good business person. Your Friends and others' in business should understand that you are running a business and not expect special prices or favors.

*When I had repeat customers in my Lawn Display business, I would often tell them I would add extra balloons or Lawn Critters to their celebration display. They were delighted as it was not "expected" by my loyal customers.

I have found the best way to overcome this is to decide how many donations or "specials" that you will do in a year and stick with that. If you feel in your heart that you really want to do something extra special for someone that is up to you, but be careful or you will start to feel as though you are failing at becoming a business and are being taken advantage of.  It is fun do do doantions or special things for your repeat customers.

Another good source for Business Etiquette comes from "Manners International" 

Emily Post also has many books on Manners.   

"Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in." William Eardley

 Marty Miller: Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Business Consultant, Writer, Artist   

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Summer time is a great time to Start your Yard Card Business as the weather in most places is suitable for constructing and/or Painting signs.  If your summer is filled with activities, start working on a Business plan and wait until early Fall to actually Start your business.

The Yard Card Business is a great venue. Questions you should think about before starting a this type of business:
* Have I researched the Lawn disaply business?
* Do I have a large enough vehicle to carry signs or yard display items?
* Am I willing to deliver the signs/displays after dark or early morning?
* Do I want to make signs from a Start-up Kit or do I want to use the pre-made or plastic props?
* Do I have artistic ability and would I like to paint signs?
* Do I have a plan to market, network or advertise my business?

* Do I enjoy spoeaking with people on the phone?
*Do I have a computer? Email?
* Can I keep good business records?
If you can answer “Yes” to these questions than this may be the business for you.
If you enjoy celebrations this is a great “social expressions” business. If you have a young family, having a business like this helps teach children about responsiblity and advantages of being your own boss. Having a business is a great teacher and motivator for children; they usually love to help. (Depending on your children’s ages you might not want younger ones actually doing the sign painting—you might end of with something you don’t want. (smile).

It is a fun business and a way to make a little extra money and to make others happy.  Recipients usually enjoy the "special" attention and are enjoy seeing a surprise in their yard in the morning.

Do some research on the business and find what type of product you want to represent--there are many choices of Yard Sign businesses. When I started this type of business in 1990--having my roll out date as Valentine's Day 1991, there was very little internet usage and people had to really work to find information.  It is much easier now to research and find what you need.

Marty Miller: Former 21 year owner of Lawn Expressions Yard Cards, Business Advisor, writer, artist and blogger   

Saturday, June 23, 2012


It is imperative as a Business Owner that you belong to various Networking Groups.  You cannot just pop into a meeting now and then, but you must JOIN the group and get involved with learning about other Business Owners while marketing Your product or service.  If there are no Business Groups in your area, Start one with a few other business owners that are not in your business!  It is amazing what you can learn from others in business.

Since Networking is so important to ANY business, here are a few tips when going to a business meeting, luncheon or just an informal gathering.

Prepared by Marty Miller, past President of 2 large business organizations in the Denver Metro area, who has delivered presentations on this subject.

1. Arrive early--that gives you a chance to move around and talk with several people.
2. ALWAYS ask about the other person and repeat their name back to them such as "Susan, what you do sounds so interesting" It helps you remember the person's name by repeating it & gives a compliment.
3. If there are name tags--wear it on the right, so it seen when shaking hands.
4. Concentrate on one person at a time and wrap up conversation graciously, so you may move on to another.
5. Work on a "tag line" or "memory hook" which tells about your business in the fewest words, but has an impressive impact.
6. Drop a note or postcard to those you have met or make a quick phone call saying how nice it was to meet them.
7. Be consistent about attendance at the organizations you have chosen. Usually people must become well acquainted with you before they are interested in your product or service.
8. Always send Thank You postcards to customers and also to anyone who has given you a referral. Referrals can be thanked by email although receiving actual mail is nice.

In the Yard Card/Lawn Display Business you have less interaction with customers, since most contact is done by phone. However a follow-up phone call, Thank You postcard or spending a few minutes with the customer on the phone is good customer service. This could make the difference in this customer using you for future special occasions.

"Wringing your hands only stops you from rolling up your sleeves". James Rollins

Marty Miller;

Monday, May 21, 2012

FEATURES and BENEFITS of your Business

"The smallest deed is greater than grandest intention".  Patti Labelle

FEATURES and BENEFITS of your Business

Your potential customers need to know the Features and Benefits of your business. When preparing advertising or marketing materials for your business be sure to stress the Benefits more than the Features.

What is the difference between Features and Benefits? Features are a description of your product. Benefits are how it will impact your customer and why they should choose your product or service. Let's pick a couple of products as examples: Yard Cards/ Lawn Displays and Window Coverings.


FEATURES: 5-6 ft. colorful Yard Signs, Personalized message sign, Critters in the yard like Flamingos, Buzzards, Grad Caps, Smilies and other fun creatures or props. 

"Make a friend happy with a unique early morning surprise in the yard", "Let the whole neighborhood know of your Graduate's Big Day!”,“Surprise a new Mom with a Stork in the Yard” Announce the New Baby” “Celebrate that BIG birthday with a Yard Card” "Welcome someone home from the Military".  You will make your friend or family smile and afford them recognition by creating a very visual memory.  We work with you to make the special occasion one of joy for the recipient with a wonderful Lawn Display.  Your Surpise will NEVER be forgotten!


The blinds are made of durable wood and come in different sizes and colors. The curtains are made with quality fabric and you can choose the fabric, the size and the color.

The blinds will allow you to have sunshine in your home during the day and privacy at night when the blinds are closed.  They are easy to open and close and you can choose different styles to meet your needs.  Our rpices are competitive and we do our best to meet all ofyour needs.
Drapes or curtains add color and beauty to your room and can complement furniture and accessories in the room. You can decorate around your curtains or blinds or pick your color theme of furniture and then chose your blinds. The fabric helps quiet excess noise in the room.

The point is:  People are more interested in the benefit to them and or the recipient than they are hearing about a long description of your product. In the Celebration Lawn Greetings business, it is all about recognizing people and offering a new type of "social expression"!

This idea can be applied to almost any business. When you describe your business, be sure you are telling the person about what your product will do for them, rather than all of the details regarding your product or service!

"You can’t be a success in any business without believing it is the greatest business in the world.  You have to put your heart in the business and the business in your heart." Thomas Watson, Sr


Marty Miller; Entrepreneur, Busines Owner & Coach, Writer & Artist 

Monday, March 26, 2012


Spring is a great time to start a business and to rework and market your business!  There seems to be a surge in energy and excitement in the Springtime.

"When Spring is dancing among the hills, one should not stay in a little dark corner"
Kahlil Gibran

A. INTERNET Marketing:  First and Foremost make your presence known on the Internet. (More on internet marketing later). Have your website on Directories that reflect the industry that you are in --sometimes if these are high in the search engines it will help your position and people can find you. (ie. Yard Card Industry    These Directories are available for many businesses and sometimes will have business Start-Ups if you are searching in your area of interest.

B. START NETWORKING:  Since Networking is so important to ANY business, here are a few tips when going to a business meeting, luncheon or just an informal gathering. There are numerous Small Business Organizations in most cities.
1. Arrive early--that gives you a chance to move around and talk with several people.2. ALWAYS ask about the other person and repeat their name back to them such as "Susan, what you do sounds so interesting" It helps you remember the person's name by repeating it & gives a compliment.3. If there are name tags--wear it on the right, so it seen when shaking hands.4. Concentrate on one person at a time and wrap up conversation graciously, so you may move on to another.5. Work on a "tag line" or "memory hook" which tells about your business in the fewest words, but has an impressive impact.6. Drop a note or postcard to those you have met or make a quick phone call saying how nice it was to meet them.7. Be consistent about attendance at the organizations you have chosen. Usually people must become well acquainted with you before they are interested in your product or service.8. Send Thank You postcards to customers and also to anyone who has given you a referral. Referrals can be thanked by email although receiving actual mail is nice these days.

Prepared by Marty Miller, past President of 2 large business organizations in the Denver Metro area, who has delivered presentations on this subject.

"Some people dream about success, and others wake up and do something about it"

HAPPY SPRING!   Marty Miller, Former Business Owner, Writer, Blogger, Artist

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blogging on your Business

BLOGGING About Your Business

When you start a website you must first make sure that you have a passion, product or service that will be interesting to people. Research the other websites in your area of interest. If you are unsure of what you might want to start as a website, try blogging until you decide what you are truly passionate about. You might set up a account, which is free. Start blogging about some of your passions; whether it be art, music, health, people or a business you already have or one you wish to start. As you blog, you may find a certain subject, product or service that is really interesting to you or one that you already have that consumers find interesting.

Make a list of domain names that you would like to use. They should be relevant to the subject of your Website. (i.e.) refers to a US and Canada Directory for those in the Lawn Display and Yard Sign business. You can easily search for domain names by typing in "domain name search" in the search area. You have several options of registering your website name – either as a, a dot. net or a dot. org. The is the most common, is more for business and dot .org is for organizations, profit or non-profits. If you are able to secure the website name you wish in a, that is best for the average website.

One of the best Sites to visit if you are learning is Lisa Irby's website at:

Once you decide that you are headed in the right direction, then you need to research how to start a website.

There are many possibilites. You may have a hosting company that sets everything up for you, or you may wish to try something like where you can make changes or updates whenever you wish for the same monthly charge.

"The more places you are seen, the better you are recognized."

Marty Miller,  Entrepreneur, Writer, Artist, Blogger 

Monday, January 16, 2012

ROLES and GOALS --Starting 2012


A good way to start the new year is to define your Roles and set your Goals.

Take a sheet of paper and make a small column for ROLES and a larger area for GOALS.

In the ROLES column put things relating to you such as Mother, Husband, Business Person, Volunteer

In the GOALS area put Short Term (maybe a week or month) and Long term ( maybe 6 months or a year)

ROLE: Mother
GOAL: Spend 1/2 hr. with each child individually each day.

ROLE: Spouse
GOAL: Plan at least one "couple" activity per week

ROLE: Business Owner
GOAL: 20% more sales or rentals for the month, send Thank You Notes, check Inventory 
Start an Advisory Board, keep better records. Join Business Clubs, Leads Clubs, Start your own group of business owners, whether you are a large or small business.

GOAL: Spend 1/2 hr. each day reading, praying, excercising, Relaxing--something just for YOU!

These are all things for TIME MANAGEMENT and for LIFE BALANCE. Each person's sheet will be different. This is helpful in creating in putting your priorities in order. Things can change, so you may need to review monthly.

The following site has some great articles and insight into daily living.

Hope this help in the start of your new year! Please comment!

AND--there will always be things that prevent you from accomplishing your goals.  I broke my Femur in late Aug and my husband and I moved to AZ in December, which has put me way behind in business, but life goes on and Roles and Goals do change!

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.
The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."

Marty Miller; Business Owner, Artist, Writer       (which is in need of updating)