Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Patterns Include: 23 " GHOST, 23" TOMBSTONE, 15" Ghost Crossing Sign (point to sidewalk), small designs for Bat, Cat, Trick or Treat Bag, Ghost with pumpkin and baby ghost.
                               FUN and EASY to Make!
  Instructions and colored photos of extra sample Ghosts included.

$18--Includes shipping  ORDER
Your Kit will be sent within 2 days of order receipt.
Visa and MC are accepted. Questions: call Marty at 303-979-6551 (owner of Lawn Expressions, CO)

Monday, September 20, 2010


The Yard Card Business is a great venue. Questions you should think about before starting a this type of business:
       * Do I have a large enough vehicle to carry signs or yard display items?
       * Am I willing to deliver the signs/displays after dark or early morning?
       * Do I want to make signs from a start-up Kit or do I want to use the pre-made or plastic props?
       * Do I have artistic ability and would I like to paint signs?      
       * Do I have a plan to market, network or advertise my business?

       * Am I good at speaking to people on the phone?
       * Do I have a computer? Email?
       * Can I keep good business records?

If you can answer “Yes” to these questions than this may be the business for you.

If you enjoy celebrations this is a great “social expressions” business. If you have a young family, having a business like this helps teach children about responsiblity and advantages of being your own boss. Having a business is a great teacher and motivator for children & they usually love to help. (Depending on your  children’s ages you might not want younger ones actually doing the sign painting—you might end of with something you don’t want. (smile).

It is a fun business and a way to make a little extra money.

One of the places to look for a reputable company that is selling start-up Kits or Franchises is Yard Card Start-ups   These companies had to apply and be approved by Entrepreneur Magazine. I sell a Start up KIT which is detailed on and is on website.

" Although no one can go back in time and make a brand-new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending." Author unknown

Get your new Business started and be prepared for a Great Spring!

Marty Miller